Rental Cabin Information


Previsit house information:

Kitchen:  We supply all items for the cabin’s kitchen. We have an ice maker in the refrigerator so no need for ice for drinks except if you want a large quantity for a cooler. There will be dish washing detergent for the dishwasher and there may be dish washing soap her from prior guests but you may need to add to the supply. Initial paper products are provided but you will want to buy some paper towel and toilet paper for your stay. We have a drip coffee maker with filters.

 Grill:  We supply a charcoal grill with a chimney starter. You will need to bring your own charcoal and newspaper for the starter.

Water:  We have a well and the water has been just tested by Oneida County and it is safe.

Washer/Dryer: There is a full sized washer and dryer in the home on the main floor.  The rental cabin is on a septic system. There should be some laundry detergent at the house. If you need to buy or bring detergent, please make sure it is safe for a septic system.

Sheets and Towels:  We supply sheets and bath towels, enough for six guests. If you want extra towels or beach towels, please bring these along.

Waterfront:  THERE IS NO DIVING OFF THE DOCK.  It is too shallow. There is a wonderful sand frontage for swimming and dock as you can see from the Gallery pictures. We supply two kayaks, canoe and a 14 foot rowboat. We have some basic life preservers but you should bring your own to properly fit members of the family.

Mosquitos and ticks:  Summer is the Northwoods is not complete without these guests. Please make sure that you bring mosquito and tick spray! 

Television and Internet:  We have smart TV’s in the living room and in the master bedroom. The living room 50 inch TV has YouTube TV, Netflix, Amazon Prime and HBO Max. The master tv has Netflix, Amazon Prime and HBO max. We have Starlink internet sufficient for TV streaming and multiple devices.

We have board games and books.





 POOPS AND PEES:  Location, location, location. I make sure to do my business across the road from the front of the house so people don’t track my poop inside and future guests won’t be inconvenienced. There are plenty of good places in the woods across from the house to do my thing.  In case there is an accident on the grass near the house and lake, my owners have provided a pooper-scooper to clean it up.  They dispose of it across the street in the woods.

HOUSE BEHAVIOR: My owners have renovated the entire cabin when they purchased it a couple of years ago!  There are refinished wood floors and updated carpeting.  I don’t want to have any accidents in the house or scratch the floors.  So, when I am left alone, I am in the crate on the porch.  Sometimes I have an accident in a new place even though I am well trained at home.  Other times, I eat weird things outside and may throw up too.  My owners would like you to bear these things in mind to keep the house in good condition for future guests.

Some future guests may be allergic to dogs, so I will not sleep on the bed or couch.  I also never sit on the furniture, especially when I am wet after frolicking in the lake.  Our house cleaners will sure appreciate that too.   Maybe your owners will bring your dog bed or crate along so you really feel at home in my house.

My owners have some old towels on the front porch that they use to dry me off or clean my muddy paws… They think of everything!

IF I HAVE AN ACCIDENT ON THE CARPETING:  Accidents can happen and if one does, your owners should clean it up immediately.  There are instructions in the binder.  Also, they should tell Pam and Bruce about the mishap (they won’t get mad), but they can make sure it gets cleaned up properly if your owners aren’t able to remove the spot entirely.

 TICKS:  I love running around in the woods but my owners are worried about nasty ticks.  There are lots of them in the North woods.  Luckily, I have plenty of tick and flea protection.  They make sure that I have tick and flea control on me before I go up North.  If I get a tick, they remove it immediately so I won’t get sick.  There are instructions in the binder about that!  I don’t want those ticks to crawl on my owners either. There are tick removal tools on the shelves in the kitchen.

NEIGHBORHOOD DOGS AND WILD ANIMALS: Our owners always watch us when we are outside.  Our Big Pine neighbors have dogs and our owners don’t want us wondering into their yards and risking an incident. There are also lots of wild animals up there.  They want to make sure we don’t get lost and we are safe.   If the dog guest coming to Big Pine are not good at sticking around their owners, i suggest that their owners keep them on a leash when outside.

FINALLY:  Big Pine is big fun and I love it up here.  With all the space, fresh air, new smells and clean lake, I can’t get enough of it.  By the end of the day, I am exhausted.  I hope you have a great time too.  I am sure you will ask your owners to take you back next year.

Enjoy your Stay at Big Pine!